homie.device — Homie Device

This module provides an interface to the Homie device definition.

Consider to read the Homie convention for details.



Returns a device unique id.


Is a async decorator to block coroutines as long as the device has published all device topics and announced itself as ready.

Decorate methods with this if the method should wait until the device is ready.

class HomieDevice()

The HomieDevice object is the core that handles all incoming and outgoing messages in the way the homie convention is defined.

One HomieDevice object can have multiple HomieNode objects. Microhomie can run with only the device object without nodes but the homie convention requires as minimum one node per device.

Usage Model:

import settings

from mynode import MyNode
from homie.node import HomieNode

homie = HomieDevice(settings)


class homie.device.HomieDevice(settings)

Construct a Homie device object. The arguments are:

  • settings is the settings module from the settings.py file.


HomieDevice.add_node(self, node)

This method is used to register a HomieNode object to the device.

The arguments are:

  • node is the HomieNode object.
HomieDevice.all_properties(self, func, tup_args)

Run a property class function on all registered property objects

The arguments are:

  • func is the homie.property.HomieProperty function which should run
  • tup_args function args as a tuple
HomieDevice.subscribe(self, topic)

Async method to subscribes to the given topic.

The arguments are:

  • topic is the topic that should be subscribed to.
HomieDevice.unsubscribe(self, topic)

Async method to unsubscribe from the given topic.

The arguments are:

  • topic is the topic that should be unsubscribed.
HomieDevice.connection_handler(self, client)

Internal async method that gets called when the mqtt connection is established. This method subscribes to all the topics.

The arguments are:

  • client is the mqtt_as client object.
HomieDevice.sub_cb(self, topic, payload, retained=True)

This method is the base callback method for arriving messages. Every message arrives on a subscribed topic calls this method.

This method test if the topic is a broadcast topic and pass the message to all nodes broadcast_callback method.

Else the payload will be passed to the node that has subscribed to the messages topic.

The arguments are:

  • topic is the topic the message has arrived on.
  • payload is a binary string with the message payload.
  • retained indicates if the messages is retained on the broker. For Homie this is per default ``True`´.
HomieDevice.publish(self, topic, payload, retained=True)

This async method is used to publish data. Topics will be prefixed with the device base topic.

The arguments are:

  • topic the sub-topic the payload should be published to.
  • payload is the payload.
  • retained indicates if the message should be retained on the broker. Convention default is True.
HomieDevice.broadcast(self, payload, level=None)

This async method can be used to send payload to the Homie broadcast topic. If the level argument is not None, it will be attached as a sub-topic to the broadcast topic.

The arguments are:

  • payload the payload to send.
  • level is the broadcast level for the payload. Default is no level.
HomieDevice.broadcast_callback(self, topic, payload, retained)

Gets called when the broadcast topic receives a message. Implement

The arguments are:

  • topic the sub-topic the payload should be published to.
  • payload is the payload.
  • retained indicates if the message should be retained on the broker. Convention default is True.

This async method publish the device properties as defined in the Homie convention.


This is a async coroutine to publish device stats as in the homie extension org.homie.legacy-stats:0.1.1:[4.x].


This async method is the main loop. It handles the mqtt connection and tries to reconnect if there is an error.

If the RTC is set to webrepl, the mainloop will not start to not block the WebREPL.


This method should be called from main to start the device.


This async method is a loop that feeds a watch dog timer. To disable the WDT set DEBUG to True in the settings.py file.


This method will print to stdout if DEBUG is enabled.


Method that try to connect to a wifi nearby if multible wifi credentials are present in settings.py.